Join the Eternally New Age Dharmic Ocean of Spirituality with this global movement by becoming a
"Dharmic Muslim".
to make this world a Safe & Peaceful place for all.

What ONLY MATTERS is which software is uploaded in the GRAY MATTER. .

Who Is A Dharmic Muslim?

One who is a born muslim but has rejected & freed himself/herself from the dogma & clutches of the mulla, rejected 7th century mindset, thinks with his own brains to make independent decisions, believes in equality, fairness to women in the family, rejected burqa, doen't follow taqlid & finally mentally arrived in 21st century.

One who uses his own Common Sense to learn from events happening around to make independent decisions & doesn't fall pray to mass media's bogus drama & narratives of victimhood.

One who chants "AUM", Mantras & does Dharmic Yoga daily for the peace of mind & to attain higher level of consciousness.

One who greets others with "Namaste". Namaste means "I bow to the divine within you". So the divine is within you & not somewhere up in the sky.

One who has realized & acknowleged that nobody has ever seen God or met prophet/messenger & alla is just one more name out of thousands for God or cosmic force. So, we don't believe in going around forcing anyone to convert, imposing the intolerant dogma on others or even killing people for the sake of god or prophet.
STOP & THINK: Why do people still go around forcing others to convert, imposing the intolerant dogma on others or even killing people for the sake of someone whom they have never ever seen or met? Complete lack of Common Sense, height of moronic behaviour? How can people be so dumb in the 21st century? If you look at ALL the violence around the world, why only people from 2 faiths are always involved?

One who has realized that there is a very fine line separating the most Intelligent Being from a BEAST & which software is uploaded in GRAY MATTER makes all the difference. So, if someone is brainwashed with useless dogma, that person is going to behave like a beast. Just follow the news from India & find out for yourself.

One who has realized that halal slaughter of animals is extremely cruel & desensitizes many muslims while committing crimes against non-muslims. So, for the sake of humanity, it MUST be banned.
STOP & THINK: A murderer gives you a choice, "How do you want to die, halal style with lot of suffering or instantanious death with one blow on your neck ". What would you prefer?

One who has now understood & follow Dharma which is rooted in Righteousness, Knowledge, Philosophy, Science, Harmony with Nature & we consider alla as our "Essential Deity". An Essential Deity is a deity to whom one prays 1st during important family rituals & events.

One who worships Dharmic deities at home & whose kids are Dharmic because he/she wishes to permanently liberate his future generations from non-sensical dogma of mental enslavement & all kinds of physical enslavement of women including the inhumane burqa/hijab. Why do men not wear it? Dharmics are divine by birth & not sinners who should be sent to jail.

One who has stopped reading books of dogma & has started reading Bhagwad Gita, Ramayana, Vedas, Upanishads which are the books of Righteousness, Knowledge, Philosophy, Science, Harmony with Nature & much more.

One who has realized that the root cause of the problem is the intolerant dogma of the book, the clergy, mullas who issue fatwas & make their followers hot headed during the Friday sermons by constantly preaching victimhood when the reality is exactly opposite. If the world leaders really want to solve this problem, they must deal with the clergy with iron fist.

One who RESPECTS & not merely tolerate other faiths equally & DO NOT consider non-Muslims as kafirs who need to be either converted by hook or crook, else forcing them out of their homes or eliminated.

One who refuses to be a pawn at the hands of mullas still living in 7th century & obsessed with converting non-muslims by literally whatever means possible even if that means murdering anyone who opposes their fanaticism & tens of different types of jihad against non-muslims.

One who has realized that religion is about enslavement of masses & turn them into dumb asses to achieve political objectives through these enslaved masses & nothing to do with real spirituality. This is why, masses are encouraged to outsource their ability to think to an organization & prevented from self experiential spirituality & sold utter non-sense of hellfire, all the good life after death such as 72 hoors.
STOP & THINK. What do you do with the hoors & the promised good life when your body has turned into soil within a month after death?

One who has realized that all the bogus claims of peace, love or whatever else made by Colonial Global Criminal Enterprizes are just a smokescreen to fool masses to conquer/control everything from around the world.

We all know that the world is gripped with violence of islamists & Ghazwa-E-Hind target India & Hindus have suffered the most from the most heinous, bloodiest genocide & crimes against Humanity for last 1400 yrs because of their intolerant dogmatic ideology. 548 million Hindus have been slaughtered in this horror & still continues today. Very sadly, absolutely nothing has changed even in 21st century for the Hindus.

Those who would like to learn more about Dharma, please read this short book & become enlightened.

Please read & share widely about the horror of "Abrahamic Dogmatic Violence in 21st Century" against Hindus that is still happening in India on a daily basis & let's all together STOP this menace once & for all by truly becoming civilized by becoming a Dharmic Muslim

Madhya Pradesh: Yunus Ansari killed and chopped his business aide Vikas Giri into 80 pieces before disposing of remains in a forest, arrested

Rubika murder case: 29 of the 50 pieces of her body found, head recovered after 14 days of the murder by her husband Dildar Ansari
22-year-old Rubika Pahadan had a love marriage with Dildar Ansari (aged 25) about one and a half months before the murder.

Delhi: Aftab slaughters his Hindu live-in partner into 35 pieces for asking him to marry her, arrested

Pakistan: ‘Sar tan se juda’: Hindu woman raped and beheaded in Pakistan’s Sindh province, head defleshed and breasts chopped off

Bangladesh: Abu Bakr trapped a Hindu woman in love, then killed her and cut the body into pieces

The Taqlid Mindset And The Muslim Opposition To CAA, Article 370
A line in the book says: The community is forbidden to use aql, or reason, under the principle of taqlid.
The history of Islam abandoning reason goes back all the way to the 10th and 11th centuries CE, when the gates to Ijtihad (independent reasoning) were closed by Muslim theologians

Please read this portal daily, share & learn about the horror going on in India.


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